In a recent development revolving around the Gaza-Israel conflict, an exclusive video shot by the NDTV crew in Gaza shows Hamas forces assembling and firing a rocket from a densely populated residential area.
The footage, reported by Sreenivasan Jain of NDTV, shows Hamas forces assembling in a tent next to a hotel, where the crew was staying.
We saw Hamas assemble a rocket and fire it. Our exclusive report breaks on NDTV at 5pm. #gaza
— Sreenivasan Jain (@SreenivasanJain) August 5, 2014
The rocket went off the next day just before the 72-hour ceasefire agreement by Israel and Gaza's defence forces.
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The video has been welcomed by Israeli defence forces as it substantiates claims made by Israeli forces against Hamas accusing them of indulging in Guerrilla warfare from densely populated civilian areas. Minutes after it got aired, the Israel defence forces official twitter account tweeted the following:
Watch this exclusive @NDTV report on how Hamas assembles & fires rockets in densely populated areas in Gaza. RETWEET.
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) August 5, 2014
The one-month war that has claimed nearly 1,900 lives in the Gaza strip and taken Israel's death toll to at least 65.
Reactions to the video quickly poured in on social media after it went viral.
The truth is coming out: | WATCH: @NDTV crew captures rocket fired by Hamas right next to their hotel in #Gaza.
— Israel Foreign Min. (@IsraelMFA) August 5, 2014
#coward How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets - NDTV
— Bill Jacobs (@billymantra) August 6, 2014
A bit of luck and some guts leads to this amazing NDTV exclusive showing video of Hamas rocket firing site in #Gaza
— Shaheryar Mirza (@mirza9) August 6, 2014
Anti-semitism and anti-Israel feelings have been escalating as the death toll of civilians has been increasing. Many among them children who have been killed by Israeli shelling. The most recent being near a UN school in the Gaza strip.