That’s an iPad, not a Quran, and the Dastar (turban) is worn by Sikhs.
— Grasswire Fact Check (@grasswirefacts) November 14, 2015
Also Read
@Veeren_Jubbal Hi, you have appeared in the cover of a major Spanish newspaper as a terrorist.
— Jordi Rico (@JordiRico) November 15, 2015
Portraying @Veeren_Jubbal as a terrorist puts his life at risk, ruins his reputation. This is online terrorism.
— Amy (@AmyStephen) November 15, 2015
Thank you very much to BuzzFeed, people from Spain bringing up the news, and others leaving kind/considerate messages. Strange situation.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 15, 2015
You can all check the last retweets. Let us start with basics. Never been to Paris. Am a Sikh dude with a turban. Lives in Canada.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 14, 2015
People are editing, and photoshopping my selfies as if I am one of the people causing the issues/problems in Paris.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 14, 2015
Learn the difference between me being a Sikh, and a Muslim. Cry in mug, while I use your tears to water my garden. I am valuable, and rad.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 14, 2015
This whole thing puts me in a bad position in the sense, where I could be harmed and/or hurt due to this. This is libel from news, and TV.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 15, 2015
Well, just got a phone call from a cousin in India, and they know about it; and saw the whole thing in India Times. We might sue, I guess.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 15, 2015
He did not leave the online gaming community, mentioning them as the likely source of his troubles.
Gamers are absolute garbage like I have been saying for a full year. People will not stop harassing, and bothering me. I am cute as gosh.
— Veerender Jubbal (@Veeren_Jubbal) November 14, 2015