India had plenty to put on the table at the Osaka summit of the heads of state of G20 nations on June 28 and 29. But the overarching reach of US-China trade war and a clubbing of agendas could limit the gains for New Delhi.
The US-China trade war, which is assuming a scale comparable to the global financial crisis of 2008 that led to the creation of the G20, will dominate the talks. Euromonitor estimates that in 2008 about $3 trillion was shaved off global GDP by the financial meltdown. A Bloomberg estimate notes that “global GDP will
The US-China trade war, which is assuming a scale comparable to the global financial crisis of 2008 that led to the creation of the G20, will dominate the talks. Euromonitor estimates that in 2008 about $3 trillion was shaved off global GDP by the financial meltdown. A Bloomberg estimate notes that “global GDP will