Major General Dharshana Hettiarrachchi heads the newly formed team for Counter-Radicalisation, set up by the government of Sri Lanka. In an interview, he tells Aditi Phadnis about the new challenges Sri Lanka faces after the April attacks by Islamic radicals and how the country is proposing to meet them. Edited Excerpts:
The Sri Lankan Army (SLA) is in the unique and enviable global position of possibly being the only conventional Army to militarily vanquish one of the most feared guerilla groups in the world. But you’ve had many setbacks as well. What is your learning from the military campaign
The Sri Lankan Army (SLA) is in the unique and enviable global position of possibly being the only conventional Army to militarily vanquish one of the most feared guerilla groups in the world. But you’ve had many setbacks as well. What is your learning from the military campaign