Was it the seamstress in Bangladesh, with her low wages? Or Jeff Bezos, with his low prices?
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has labelled this year’s unexpected inflation slowdown a “mystery,” and there are a few possible suspects.
Previously, factors such as labour-market slack, falling fuel costs and cheap imports explained why price gains weren’t headed toward the Fed’s 2 per cent goal. Those explanations no longer hold as much water. Joblessness has dropped to 4.4 per cent, the dollar is falling and energy prices have stabilised. A pricing issue with cell-phone plans earlier in the year no
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has labelled this year’s unexpected inflation slowdown a “mystery,” and there are a few possible suspects.
Previously, factors such as labour-market slack, falling fuel costs and cheap imports explained why price gains weren’t headed toward the Fed’s 2 per cent goal. Those explanations no longer hold as much water. Joblessness has dropped to 4.4 per cent, the dollar is falling and energy prices have stabilised. A pricing issue with cell-phone plans earlier in the year no