- Robert Bosch, founder and CEO of Bosch GmbH
- Rohit Surfactants, makers of Ghari detergent which is ranked No. 2 after HUL’s Wheel
- The Swiss cheese Model. They represent the imperfections in individual safeguards or defences, which in the real world rarely approach the ideal of being complete proof against failure.
- Punjab National Bank founded in Lahore in 1895 by Lala Lajpat Rai
- All are winners of the prestigious Daniel Guggenheim Medal, an American engineering award
- The 4-3-2-1 rule stipulates that in a video, a close up of a woman in a bikini is acceptable for 3 secs and not 4. Similarly the shot of a woman moving in a bikini is acceptable for 1 sec and not 2.
- All are official supporters for the London 2012 Olympics
- American Express cards
- The Billboard magazine
- Encyclopedia Britannica Inc
There were 36 all-correct entries for The Strategist quiz #246. Monisha Voonna, Pune; DSR Murthy, Hyderabad; Mohit Virmani, New Delhi; Tarun Markose, Pune; P S Gulati, New Delhi; Hardik Bhandari, Mumbai; Anup Mahaswari, Durgapur; Manan Vora, Mumbai; Abhijit Nayak, Gurgaon; Sonali Ila Ekka, Rourkela Monisha Voonna also wins Rs 2000. |