- Who said: “I expect the personal computer to become the kind of thing that people carry with them. A companion that takes notes, does accounting, gives reminders, handles 1,000 personal tasks?”
Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, in 1977
- Name the company and the metric it created that measures research spending divided by gross margins for each new product line. This helps it to focus its resources on innovations that maximise profits.
Hewlett and Packard. The metric is called R&D Productivity.
- Smilemakers is a division of which company?
Staples Inc
- An Indian company recently introduced a brand positioned as an emergency lemon refresher. Name the brand and the company.
LMN from Parle Agro
- Which brand claims that it is the world’s largest selling non-Scotch whisky?
Bagpiper from UB India
- The co-founder of a consumer products company sent one of his products to a lab in New York for analysis and got back a report which said that the product had only .56 per cent of miscellaneous particles. This prompted him to come up with what became a well-known catch phrase for this product. What’s the phrase?
P&G’s Ivory soap’s popular phrase “99 44/100 percent Pure, It Floats”
- Mahatma Gandhi called it one of the few useful things ever invented. Name it.
The sewing machine
- In which journal was Parkinson’s Law first published?
The Economist
- The birth of this brand goes back to 1921 when a school teacher and local candy shop owner was inspired by a little boy’s inability to decide between ice cream and a candy bar. Name it.
EskimoPie, an ice-cream brand now owned by Nestle.
- Identify the logo of this company that created waves by manufacturing a replica of a famous British brand.
Geely Automobile of China
There were 63 all-correct entries for the strategist quiz # 97. The winners who will receive a copy of Negotiation: How to Make Deals and Reach Agreement in Business are: Abhishek Chhajlani, Indore; S Indira Sudha, Delhi; Meena Kumari, New Delhi; Anshul Khariwal, Aurangabad; Anika Saxena, Bangalore; Saurabh Jain, Hoshiarpur; Neha Katyal, New Delhi; Bhawna Mehta, Delhi; Shrinidhi Rai, Bangalore; and S P Singh, New Delhi. Abhishek Chhajlani also wins Rs 2,000. |