Name the automobile brand and its manufacturer who uses this brand line "Dive it again, James". Also state the reason for using this line
Inspired by the Bond movie The Spy Who Loved Me, Rinspeed founder Frank M Rinderknecht developed sQuba the first real submersible car in 2008.
What is Zythology?
The study of beer and beer-making. It comes from Greek: Zythos (beer) and logos (study).
Name the corporate scandal of the mid 1960s in which American Express took one of the biggest hits from it, losing nearly $58 million and experiencing a 50 per cent drop in its stock price?
The Salad Oil Scandal. It occurred when Allied Crude Vegetable Oil Company discovered that banks were making loans secured by its salad oil inventory.To take advantage of this, the company used to fill salad oil tanks with water and put a few feet of oil on top. In 1963, the scam was busted and over $175 million worth of salad oil was found missing.
This person is known as the Brit who coined Germany's most ubiquitous post-war slogan and became an advertising industry legend. It happened when in the mid 1980s this person saw a faded poster on a factory wall in Ingolstadt Germany and used it as a catchphrase that would not only transform the image of a German brand but the entire country. Name the person, the brand and the catchphrase.
The Sir John Hegarty founded Bartle Bogle HegartyaBritishadvertising agency in 1982. He was responsible for Audis catchphrase Vorsprung durch Technik (Progress through Technology).
Connect the Benares Hindu University, the ink that is used for marking a voter's finger during elections and the first city in Asia to have electric lights. What do you arrive at?
All linked to Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, theMaharajaof theprincely stateofMysore and also the first Chancellor and co-founder of BHU. In 1937, he founded Mysore Paints and Varnishes that started manufacturing the ink used in elections. During his reign, Mysore became the first Asian city to have street lights.
This brand that helped Americans survive the Depression and fed the allied troops during World War II and contributed to the lexicon of the internet world has a new spokesman/mascot named Sir-Can-A-Lot. Name it.
Spam was introduced by Hormel Foods Corporation in 1937.
The person who founded this brand in 1909 in the US, before moving to the US with his family, he had a business in Russia involved in doing makeup and selling hand-made rouges, creams, fragrances and wigs. It is said that his clientele included members of the Russian court, the Royal Ballet and the Imperial Grand Opera. Today this brand is owned by an MNC. Name the brand.
Max Factor. It is currently owned by P&G.
In 1998 India surpassed US, as the highest producer of this commodity and continues to hold this position till today. Name it.
On April 29th Virgin Galactic, a private space firm, launched SpaceShipTwo, its air-suborbital rocket plane, for the first time. For $2,00,000 a seat, customers will get a joyride just over the Karman Line. What is the Karman Line?
TheKrmn line, lies at analtitudeof 100 km (62mi) above thesea level and is used to define the boundary between theEarth's atmosphereandouter space. The line was named afterTheodore von Krmn, aHungarian-Americanengineerandphysicist.
Identify the brands from their logos and mention who the winner was in the recent trademark tussle between them.
There were 22 correct entries for The Strategist quiz #305. S Krishnaswamy from Tiruchirapalli wins Rs 2,000. The winner was chosen by frawing lots. |