In April 2014, famous cartoon characters like Snoopy from Peanuts, Phantom, Popeye, Garfield the cat and Hello Kitty have all gone bald. Why?
April being the Cancer awareness month Famous cartoons from all over the world has gone bald, sending out the message that a child with cancer deserves to be seen just like any other child. It is being organised by GRAACC, a support group founded in Brazil for children and adolescents with cancer.
Name the airline whose passenger safety video is a jaunty boogie that takes a five-minute scenic tour through some great moments in rock history, including Devo, Robert Palmer and Ziggy Stardust.
Up. The new budget airline from El Al, the primary air carrier from Israel.
This contraption was invented in 1960 when Lockheed engineers in the US were road testing Porsche 360 cars in the US on an unofficial loan to them. It is used even today when vehicle manufacturers want to keep the identity of their soon to be released models under wraps. What is it called? Name the person who gave it its name.
The Car Bra. Bill Colgan, founder of Colgan Custom Manufacturing, Inc. in Burbank, California created the world's first car bra and thereby created the Car bra industry.
This company was established by a family in the 1830s and was famous for its coffee grinders and chain bicycles. It also made band saws, horse hoof clippers, corset stays, umbrella frames and sewing machines. Its current logo is a lion and it first appeared on its saw blades and was registered as its trademark in the late 1850s. Name the company.
The French car manufacturer Peugeot.
Which global media leader and philanthropist, has recently signed up a first-of-its-kind collaboration to co-create a Teavana brand Tea with Starbucks? Initially it will be sold in Starbucks and Teavana stores across the US and Canada.
Oprah Winfrey will create Teavana® Oprah Chai Tea for Starbucks starting April 2014.
What is Garbatrage?
Garbatrage is an increase in price and trading volume in a particular sector of the economy that occurs as a result of a recent takeover, which initiates a change in sentiment towards the sector. Speculators feel that the initial takeover is a precursor to more takeovers within the sector. It is also called as rumourtrage.
Who said "We may find in the long-run that tinned food is a deadlier weapon than the machine gun"?
George Orwell.
In which country would a joint stock company or public limited company carry the suffix "Oy" to denote its status?
It is the abbreviation of the Finnish word Osakeyhtiö literally meaning a "stock company". It is used either before or after the company's name.
The brand that uses the tagline "Amazing taste. Astonishing value" has introduced a new offering based on the Indian biryani. Name the offering and the brand?
Birizza from Pizza Hut.
Connect the mutual fund pioneer Sir John Templeton, Bill Clinton, Girish Karnad, 100m quarter finalist (1944:London) Eric Prabhakar, Montek Singh Ahluwalia and the governor of the State of Louisiana Bobby Jindal with this logo and identify it.
The Rhodes Trust. Sir John Templeton, Bill Clinton, Girish Karnad, Eric Prabhakar, Montek Singh Ahluwalia and Bobby Jindal are all Rhodes Scholars. The will of Cecil John Rhodes, the founder of De Beers, created the Rhodes Scholarships in 1902.
There were 20correct entries for quiz No. 354. R.Banumathi from Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu wins Rs 2,000. Winner was chosen by drawing lots. |