Name the first company in Independent India to default on an international obligation Essar Steel, which defaulted on its $250 million floating rate notes in July 1999
Which was the first Indian company where a "white knight" came to the rescue? . Gammon India, in 1987, when Manu Chhabria attempted a hostile takeover
What is common to fire escapes, windshield wipers, disposable cell phones and baby carriers? They were all invented by women
The first year of its launch, it sold only 25 units, making a loss of $20. Now, it's one of the most popular products in the world. Name it. Coca-Cola
This company promoted its new product by mailing samples to each of the 1.5 million names listed in the American telephone books in 1915. Name the company Wrigley's. The product was its new spearmint-flavoured chewing gum
In 1989, the arrest of a gangster in Mumbai revealed a dramatic plot to kill Nusli Wadia. What was his name? Arjun Babbaria
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger bought the first unit of this vehicle when it was manufactured for civilian use. Name it. The Hummer, manufactured for civilian use in 1992. The vehicle weighed in at 6,300 lb and was 7 feet wide
Why are Hershey's Kisses so called? The popular theory is that the machine that makes the candy looks like it's kissing the conveyor belt
What was IBM originally known as? Computer-Tabulator-Recorder Company
CNBC stands for... Consumer News and Business Channel. The channel is now known only by its acronym