What is the term used to describe a person who was born during or after the general introduction of digital technologies and through interacting with digital technology from an early age has a greater understanding of its concepts? Also name the person who coined it.
Digital Native. Marc Prensky coined the term digital native in an article titled 'On the Horizon' published in 2001. In the article, he assigns it to a new group of students enrolling in educational establishments.
Grid Compass is considered as the first to be designed in 1979 by a Briton. It was used by NASA for the space shuttle programmes. What was it? Who designed it?
The Grid compass is considered by many to be the first laptop computer. It was designed by "Bill" Moggridge, a British designer, author and educator who co-founded IDEO and was director of the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in New York.
In the online world advertising is priced mostly on a unit of measure called Cost per impressions (CPM). What does M stand for?
M is the Roman numeral 1000. CPM is Cost per 1000 impressions.
A new search engine aims to better Google. It claims to be spam-free, and contains functionality that makes Search Engine Optimisation easier. It uses slashtags to provide results for common searches and also offers a downloadable search bar. Name it and its founder.
Blekko. This company was co-founded in 2007 by Rich Skrenta, who had created Newhoo, which was acquired by Netscape and was renamed as the Open Directory Project. He is still remembered most for unleashing the Elk Cloner virus on to the world.
In 1960s, Bell Lab innovated the Touch Tone phone. One of the first locations to be fully fitted with Bell's new technology was the Mayo Clinic. When it was time to train the staff of the Mayo Clini, Bell's Don McPherson coined the praise "octothorpe" to refer to a symbol on the Touch Tone phones. It is said McPherson coined the term by combining the eight points "octo" and his favorite athlete Jim Thorpe. What does it stand for?
The # hash or pound sign.
What is common to the words Derp, Noob, Srsly and FOMO?
They are all words that were invented for use in the Social media and have subsequently found a place in the Oxford dictionary.
If B2B is Business to Business, what is M2M referred to and who coined it?
Machine to Machine communication.It was coined by General Electric which believes that M2M advances will fundamentally alter the way businesses operate.
This brand's campaign on Facebook promised their product for free if the participant deleted 10 friends from their list. The word related to this act was elected as the word of the year 2009 by Oxford Dictionary. Name the brand and the word.
Burger King's successful campaign for Unfriending on Facebook.
The abbreviation SCAM is often being used by IT companies. What does it stand for?
SCAM stands for Social Media, Cloud, Analytics and Mobile.
Whose logo is this?
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