The Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur (IIM Kashipur) wrapped up its placements this year with a 16 per cent rise in its highest domestic package at Rs 25.4 lakh. The top offer last year was Rs 21.78 lakh.
However, the highest international package dipped marginally from Rs 53.75 lakh last year to Rs 53.1 lakh this year.
According to the institute, around 49 firms came for the final placements for the 2015-17 batch of 122 students, of which 119 were eligible for placements.
And the highest-paying jobs in both, the international and domestic categories were taken by
However, the highest international package dipped marginally from Rs 53.75 lakh last year to Rs 53.1 lakh this year.
According to the institute, around 49 firms came for the final placements for the 2015-17 batch of 122 students, of which 119 were eligible for placements.
And the highest-paying jobs in both, the international and domestic categories were taken by