Most pharmaceutical companies in India - both multinationals as well as domestic - are still shying away from leveraging the huge opportunities that exist on the digital platforms, finds a new study released by D Yellow Elephant, a full service digital agency with a focus on pharmaceutical and health care industry. The study titled 'Indian Pharma Digital Health Report 2015', analysed 40 pharmaceutical companies in India across 10 key digital parameters, ranging across websites, apps and social media platforms.
While LinkedIn emerged as the most popular social media platform, with 95 per cent presence, the study found only about 14 companies showing an active engagement. Google+ also has a high presence of 87 per cent, but only 1 out of 40 companies is active. Only 8 companies have an India specific Facebook page while only 12 companies have a blogger presence. Twitter showcased 52 per cent active engagements. Also basic building blocks like an India specific website were a miss with only 30 per cent companies having one.