Mobile is becoming the first and preferred screen for watching movies, music videos, and TV shows, finds a report by Vuclip, a mobile video and media company. As per the report, 67 per cent of 12,000 global survey respondents prefer mobile as their primary method for watching their favourite movies, music videos, and TV shows. In fact, there is a increase in the time spent on watching mobile videos - 80 per cent of respondents watch mobile videos at least once every 2-3 days, with more than half opting to watch daily.
The report says overall experience from unbuffered viewing to ease of payment is critical for rapid adoption of mobile video viewing. Seventy-three per cent men and 61 per cent of women said it is important that the video not buffer while they are watching it; with 54 per cent of men and 49 per cent of women saying they would pay to download videos just to avoid buffering.
The report says with the rapid adoption of low cost smartphones and increasing accessibility of the mobile internet, 2015 will bring tremendous momentum to the mobile video economy.