After signing on Bollywood’s diva Priyanka Chopra as its brand ambassador, Pune-based Swipe Technologies is all set to launch a marketing campaign called “Live Your Faith” featuring the Mary Kom actress. The company is looking to bolster its presence in the country's tablet and smartphone market
Swipe’s campaign is a Chopra's journey from being an army doctor’s daughter, to becoming Miss World, an actor and international singer.
The campaign kicks off with Priyanka Chopra presenting ‘Live Your Faith’ as her personal philosophy. With distinct audio and striking visuals, the campaign looks forward to a meaningful viewer engagement by sending out a message that instils a positive outlook towards life.
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It will have presence on all mediums – traditional as well as non-traditional. The company has earmarked a budget of $3 million for the marketing blitzkrieg that has been launched in Mumbai through outdoor advertising and print advertisements in leading dailies.
The plan is to achieve maximum visibility for the brand through an optimal mix of media channels including the print, outdoor, social, digital (online and social media marketing) and electronic media.
Shripal Gandhi, Founder & CEO of Swipe Technologies said: “Our intent is to become India’s First Social Brand as we believe in combining the potential of human race with technology, making it human-tech. “Live your faith” is in a way a reflection of this mindset. We redesigned the website, introduced a new packaging language and created internal and external communication campaign. Faith is a common attribute, be it a new product development, entering new segments , forging partnerships or exploring new markets.“
Apart from the campaign featuring Priyanka Chopra, the brand would also capture stories of people from across the country who have lived their faith in its true spirit. These stories would be a part of Swipe’s digital campaign and find place on Swipe’s website and social media pages. Swipe’s focus is on the youth of India, especially the unsung heroes of everyday life, doing kind gestures just to benefit someone else.
Chopra said: “Having faith in yourself and your abilities is your ticket to achieving the impossible. It is how I have lived my life and today I can attribute a huge part of my success to this thinking. I have seen a similar attitude with the team at Swipe, which is why I am excited to be a part of the “LiveYourFaith” campaign. To me Swipe is a dynamic, young brand that also lives this mantra, channeling that faith and belief into breaking new boundaries everyday. It’s also something that I believe will resonate with young India; supporting them with technology that will assist them as they chase their dreams.”