- This company was one of the largest ceramic makers in Japan, and made electrical ceramic switches, bathroom equipment, and so on. Today it is one of the six largest mobile phone company in the world. Name it.
- "Any girl can be glamorous," Hedy Lamarr once said. "All she has to do is stand still and look stupid." Besides being a glamorous film star, Lamarr invented something that is the precursor to a famous technology today. What?
- This is a soft white metal named after a colour of the rainbow. Its major uses are in high speed bearings and in the semiconductor industry to dope silicon. Which metal?
- Boeing calls its planes the 707, 727, 737, 747, 767 and now the 777. Why?
- In this country, there was a customer to circulate revenue on a chequered board. The man who did it was called...?
- "Come here, Watson, I want you" were the first words spoken on a telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. What, however, were the first words/song played out on a gramophone?
- In 1795, French brewer Nicolas Appert, without understanding the principle of sterilisation, preserved foods in jars by heating them to kill bacteria, then sealing them airtight. By 1809, his factory was supplying the ports of France. The London company of Donkin, Hall and Gamble applied his methods to tin cans, which became the preferred method of storage. All this was done for a reward offered by a reigning monarch of the day. Who and what industry did it start?
- For about $5 a day, you could carry this $125 machine home and use it. This scheme revolutionised this product, and it became wildly popular, and so did the person who is now almost regarded as its inventor. What are we talking about?
- An unsuccessful 42-year-old mechanic stood on a platform that, by means of a rope coiling around a power-driven drum, was hoisted high above a mass of onlookers at an 1854 New York City fair. Suddenly, he ordered the rope slashed. The crowd gasped. The platform fell a few inches, then stopped. He doffed his hat and cried: "All safe, gentlemen, all safe!" Who?
- Margarine Unie, a European company, merged with another European company to create a huge global Fortune 500 entity, which has a large presence in India too. What is this company?
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