Originally this product was devised on the request of a US grocery chain. It was a putty-like substance that could clean coal residue from wallpaper. Following World War II, with the transition from coal-based home heating to natural gas and the introduction of washable vinyl-based wallpaper, the market for this product decreased. The company that manufactured it was saved from bankruptcy when it discovered the same cleaner was being used by nursery school children to make Christmas ornaments. By what name is the product known now, and also name the person behind its creation.
This index was first proposed in the late 1990s by an analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort Bank. It stated that the construction of the world's tallest building is usually completed right before an economic downturn. The Empire State Building was built early in the great depression and the World Trade Center in the US was completed on the eve of a recession. Name it.
This lady was a prolific inventor from the age of twelve. An accident in a textile mill prompted her to design a safety feature to protect workers from looms. In 1868 she came up with an invention that is universally used by all even today. A colleague of hers stole the design and filed for a patent. Subsequently the court granted her the patent. Name this inventor, her invention and the unique distinction she has to her name?
Name this ex CEO of a global company who used to spend one hour every day, shutting himself from all operational activity in what he called "Looking out of the window time".
For which brand did Unilever make its first attempt at a crowdsourced TV commercial? Though it saved money it became critical of the ad industry's reluctance to try new ways of working.
Who in the early 1940s said this of his company "What we are is a business process automation company"?
Who uses this term "Vergaderziekte" and what does it denote?
Name the pioneering company whose NYSE symbol is DDD and also one of its inventor co-founders?
Which brand has launched a new line of its products under the name Rushmore?
Identify the mascot whose name also became the product's brand name. The product was launched in 1900. The mascot was created by a children's author and illustrator.
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