Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI), has launched a Global MBA Programme in partnership with Weatherhead School of Management of Case Western University, Cleveland, USA and School of Economics and Management of Tongji University, Shanghai, China.
The full-time two-year residential programme, will commence from August 2013 with each partner school admitting 20 students from its home country, resulting in a class-size comprising 60 students in total. The programme fees will be Rs 25 lakhs for two years.
Each Management School would have its own criteria of selecting students for the course; XLRI would select students based on XAT’s performance, whereas Weatherhead School of Management of Case Western University will bank on GMAT and School of Economics & Management of Tongji University will have its own criteria. Graduates from a recognised university with relevant experience are eligible for this programme.
The programme will be held in four parts with three of the parts being taught in Shanghai, China; Jamshedpur, India and Cleveland, USA respectively, and will be taught by faculty of all these three B Schools.
The programme would commence its first term at Tongji University (Shanghai); second term at XLRI (Jamshedpur, India), and the third term at Case Western (Cleveland, USA).
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For the fourth term, each nationality group will go back to its home school to complete local graduation requirements. In the three common terms, there will be a total of 18 courses spread over six themes. In addition to in-class coursework, students will be involved in company projects during each of the first three terms. The students will work on these projects in mixed-nationality teams.
"This programme has been designed intending to give students from the three “economic superpowers" an experience in living and learning together. Apart from formal classroom learning, they will have a first-hand opportunity to explore and understand the socio-economic-cum-political dimensions of life in these countries," said J Singh, Chairman, International Relations, XLRI.
Successful completion of the programme would lead to degree or diploma certification of students from their home school—and also a joint certification from the three-schools’ consortium. Any student interested in a formal degree / diploma from one of the foreign schools may do so by completing the additional academic requirements of respective schools.