What is the fund's investment strategy? |
As far as the equity portion is concerned, we have a well-diversified portfolio spread across large- and mid-cap stocks, based on a bottom-up approach taking into consideration not only the valuations but also the qualitative aspects like management track record, consistent growth rate and business model. |
We avoid too much concentration on a particular sector or a stock. In the fixed income portfolio, we maintain a low maturity portfolio of around 1-1.5 years in order to reduce volatility. The focus is to increase the current yield of the portfolio. |
What debt-equity proportion do you generally maintain? |
The debt to equity proportion is mostly 85:15. We have never crossed the equity allocation beyond 15 per cent of the total corpus, though it has gone below that level sometimes. |
What is your view on the debt market? |
Looking at the global scenario, which is likely to be positive for bonds and liquidity conditions, yields are likely to remain range-bound in the near future. |
However, with higher credit demand and pressure of inflation, interest rates are likely to inch up a little in the medium- to long-term. |
Liquidity conditions are expected to improve due to government spending, continuous FII inflows, rupee appreciation and the unwinding of market stabilisation scheme. What will your strategy be going forward? |
We will remain conservative in both our equity and debt portfolios. We will continue to maintain the maturity level of 1-2 years. |
At present, we have a mix of corporate and securitised papers and the proportion of AAA rated securities is the highest. But we might shift to below-AAA securities also if we feel there is an opportunity to cash on.. |
In the equity portfolio, we will continue to maintain a bottom-up approach and keep a mix of large and mid cap stocks. |