Shares of Aavas Financiers were trading higher for the sixth straight day, up 5 per cent at Rs 1,205 apiece, hitting a new high on the BSE.
Since March 1, in the past four trading sessions, it has rallied 21 per cent after CARE Ratings upgraded its credit rating to AA-/stable from A+/positive for long term bank facilities and long term instrument – subordinated debt. The rating agency reaffirmed A1+ rating on the proposed commercial paper issue.
The stock of housing finance company was trading at its highest level since listing on October 8, 2018. It has rallied 43
Since March 1, in the past four trading sessions, it has rallied 21 per cent after CARE Ratings upgraded its credit rating to AA-/stable from A+/positive for long term bank facilities and long term instrument – subordinated debt. The rating agency reaffirmed A1+ rating on the proposed commercial paper issue.
The stock of housing finance company was trading at its highest level since listing on October 8, 2018. It has rallied 43