ABB has rallied 15% to Rs 1,199 on the BSE in intra-day after the company won Rs 4,350 crore mega deal for long distance power transmission link in India.
“ABB has teamed up with India’s national electricity grid operator Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) in a mega project worth over Rs 4,350 crore for ABB to deliver a transmission link that will have the capacity to bring reliable electricity to more than 80 million people,” ABB said in a BSE filing.
The Raigarh-Pugalur 800 kilovolt (kV) ultrahigh-voltage direct current (UHVDC) system will connect Raigarh in Central
“ABB has teamed up with India’s national electricity grid operator Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID) in a mega project worth over Rs 4,350 crore for ABB to deliver a transmission link that will have the capacity to bring reliable electricity to more than 80 million people,” ABB said in a BSE filing.
The Raigarh-Pugalur 800 kilovolt (kV) ultrahigh-voltage direct current (UHVDC) system will connect Raigarh in Central