ABG Shipyard closed a Rs 315, stronger by Rs 16 or 5.5%, on the BSE.
The stock had opened at Rs 304 and touched a high of Rs 333 and a low of Rs 294 during the day.
A total of 18.14 crore shares were traded on the BSE as against the two-week average of 7.57 crore shares.
(Updated at 0922am)
ABG Shipyard is trading strong on plans to sell its stake in Great Offshore. The private shipbuilding major is quoting at Rs 327, higher by Rs 29 or 9.7%, on the BSE. The stock had opened at Rs 304, and has touchd a high of Rs 333 and a low of Rs 294 thus far.
ABG Shipyard is in talks with global private equity (PE) players to sell its 15.23 per cent stake in Great Offshore, a top company official has said. The transaction is likely to be sealed within six months.
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ABG, through one of its units, Eleventh Land Developers, had recently acquired 5.7 million shares (15.23 per cent) of Great Offshore through an open offer.