Shares of Adani Enterprises has moved higher by 7% to Rs 161, bouncing back 15% from its early morning low on the BSE on back of heavy volumes on Thursday. The stock of Adani group Company turned ex-date for spin off its gas sourcing and distribution business into a new company called Adani Gas.
At 11:05 am; Adani Enterprises was trading 5% higher at Rs 158 on the BSE, as compared to 0.41% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. It touched a low of Rs 140 in early morning trade. A combined 28.65 million equity shares changed hands on
At 11:05 am; Adani Enterprises was trading 5% higher at Rs 158 on the BSE, as compared to 0.41% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. It touched a low of Rs 140 in early morning trade. A combined 28.65 million equity shares changed hands on