Adani Wilmar debuted on the NSE with a minor loss at Rs 227, down 1.3 per cent when compared with its issue price of Rs 230 per share. The stock, however, soon bounced back and rallied to a high of Rs 249 - a 8 per cent premium to its issue price in early trades.
At 10:05 am; Adani Wilmar traded at Rs 244, 6 per cent higher against its issue price on the NSE and BSE. A combined around 45 million equity shares changed hands on the both the exchanges. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex and Nifty50 indices
At 10:05 am; Adani Wilmar traded at Rs 244, 6 per cent higher against its issue price on the NSE and BSE. A combined around 45 million equity shares changed hands on the both the exchanges. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex and Nifty50 indices