Shares of Affle (India) were locked in the 5 per cent upper circuit for the third straight day, at Rs 4,608.90 on the BSE in the intra-day trade on Monday, after its board approved stock split plan in the ratio of 1:5 to facilitate larger shareholder base and aid liquidity.
Affle (India) on August 26,2021 informed the stock exchanges that the board has approved stock split of company's one equity share of face value of Rs 10 each into five equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each, subject to the approval of shareholders and other approvals as
Affle (India) on August 26,2021 informed the stock exchanges that the board has approved stock split of company's one equity share of face value of Rs 10 each into five equity shares of face value of Rs 2 each, subject to the approval of shareholders and other approvals as