Shares of Affle India advanced 4 per cent to Rs 4,000 on the BSE in the intra-day trade on Tuesday after the company announced that it will hold a board meeting on August 26, 2021, to consider and approve split of equity shares of the company, subject to approval of the shareholders.
At 09:25 am, the stock was up 2 per cent at Rs 3,940, as compared to a 0.15 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. In the past three months, the stock has underperformed the market by falling 24 per cent as against a 10 per
At 09:25 am, the stock was up 2 per cent at Rs 3,940, as compared to a 0.15 per cent rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. In the past three months, the stock has underperformed the market by falling 24 per cent as against a 10 per