Shares of Alembic Pharmaceuticals continued their northward journey on Friday and rose 6 per cent on the BSE to hit a fresh 52-week high of Rs 743 after reporting robust earnings for the quarter ended March 2020. The stock has rallied 20 per cent in the past two trading days and is nearing its all-time high level of Rs 792, hit in July 2015.
Alembic Pharma's consolidated profit before tax (PBT) more than doubled to Rs 298 crore in the January-March quarter (Q4FY20), on the back of healthy revenue. The drug maker had a PBT of Rs 139 crore during
Alembic Pharma's consolidated profit before tax (PBT) more than doubled to Rs 298 crore in the January-March quarter (Q4FY20), on the back of healthy revenue. The drug maker had a PBT of Rs 139 crore during