Capital markets regulator Sebi on Monday said valuation of market-linked debentures will be carried out by an agency appointed by mutual fund industry body Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi).
The issuer of structured products or market-linked debentures (MLDs) will have to hire the agency for the valuation of such products.
The regulator has made these changes because of amendment done in rating agencies' norms, Sebi said in a circular.
Under the norms, issuer of structured MLDs need to appoint a third party valuation agency which will be a credit rating agency (CRA) registered with Sebi
The issuer of structured products or market-linked debentures (MLDs) will have to hire the agency for the valuation of such products.
The regulator has made these changes because of amendment done in rating agencies' norms, Sebi said in a circular.
Under the norms, issuer of structured MLDs need to appoint a third party valuation agency which will be a credit rating agency (CRA) registered with Sebi