Markets regulator Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is currently not planning a framework for ESG (environment, social and governance) ratings, even as investors are increasingly looking at companies with high ESG scores.
According to regulatory sources, Sebi is of view that such rating action requires high-quality, comprehensive data, along with other preferred parameters, which is currently lacking.
Further, it does not want rating firms to get into any new product beyond the quantified assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower, the sources said.
At present, credit rating agencies are not allowed to undertake ESG-driven rating
According to regulatory sources, Sebi is of view that such rating action requires high-quality, comprehensive data, along with other preferred parameters, which is currently lacking.
Further, it does not want rating firms to get into any new product beyond the quantified assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower, the sources said.
At present, credit rating agencies are not allowed to undertake ESG-driven rating