Shares of Arvind Fashions hit the upper circuit of 5 per cent at Rs 621 apiece on the BSE on Friday. The stock of Lalbhai Group company opened at Rs 592 on first day of its listing and ended the day at Rs 621 levels.
Arvind Fashions is the demerged entity of the flagship denim maker Arvind and comprises international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein and US Polo Association. It's branded apparel undertaking and engineering undertaking was transferred to Arvind Fashions and Anup Engineering (formerly Anveshan Heavy Engineering), respectively. Shares of Anup Engineering got listed on March
Arvind Fashions is the demerged entity of the flagship denim maker Arvind and comprises international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein and US Polo Association. It's branded apparel undertaking and engineering undertaking was transferred to Arvind Fashions and Anup Engineering (formerly Anveshan Heavy Engineering), respectively. Shares of Anup Engineering got listed on March