Shares of Ashok Leyland dipped 9 per cent to Rs 108 on BSE in the early morning trade after Vinod K Dasari has quit as Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the company, effective March 31, 2019. The stock was trading close to its 52-week low of Rs 103, touched on October 5, 2018 in the intra-day trade.
“After a successful stint of almost 14 years with Ashok Leyland, first as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) and then as CEO and MD, Vinod K. Dasari has decided to pursue his personal interests and seek new learning. Respecting his
“After a successful stint of almost 14 years with Ashok Leyland, first as a Chief Operating Officer (COO) and then as CEO and MD, Vinod K. Dasari has decided to pursue his personal interests and seek new learning. Respecting his