Ashok Leyland shares rose 4 per cent to Rs 90.40 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), after the company reported 10 per cent rise in the domestic vehicles sales at 13,141 units in April 2019. The commercial vehicles company had sold 11,951 vehicles in domestic market during the same month last year.
The stock recovered 5.5 per cent from its early morning low of Rs 85.80 on the NSE. The counter has seen huge trading volumes with a combined 16.07 million shares changed hands on the NSE and BSE till 10:58 am.
In March 2019, Ashok Leyland had
The stock recovered 5.5 per cent from its early morning low of Rs 85.80 on the NSE. The counter has seen huge trading volumes with a combined 16.07 million shares changed hands on the NSE and BSE till 10:58 am.
In March 2019, Ashok Leyland had