Ashok Leyland moved higher by 2% to Rs 95.55, recovering 2.6% from early morning lows of Rs 93.10, after a huge block deal executed on the counter on BSE.
At 09:21 am; around 10.98 million equity shares representing 0.46% of total equity of Ashok Leyland have changed hand on the BSE in a single block deal, the exchange data shows.
The name of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
In past one-week, the stock outperformed the market by surging 16% after the company reported adjusted net profit of Rs 440 crore in March quarter against
At 09:21 am; around 10.98 million equity shares representing 0.46% of total equity of Ashok Leyland have changed hand on the BSE in a single block deal, the exchange data shows.
The name of the buyers and sellers were not ascertained immediately.
In past one-week, the stock outperformed the market by surging 16% after the company reported adjusted net profit of Rs 440 crore in March quarter against