Shares of Ashok Leyland slipped to their 18-month low of Rs 95.95 apiece, dipping 2 per cent on the BSE, and extending their 4 per cent fall in the past two days after recording weak December sales numbers. The stock of commercial vehicles (CV) manufacturer was trading at its lowest level since July 3, 2017.
Ashok Leyland for the second time in the calendar year reported a dismal set of numbers by reporting a de-growth of 20 per cent in its monthly sales of 15,493 units on a yearly basis. This de-growth was mainly on account of the higher
Ashok Leyland for the second time in the calendar year reported a dismal set of numbers by reporting a de-growth of 20 per cent in its monthly sales of 15,493 units on a yearly basis. This de-growth was mainly on account of the higher