Ashok Leyland was trading 3.3% higher at Rs 150 on the BSE after the company said it has won an order from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) for 10x10 vehicles to carry the Smerch Rockets.
“This order will end a long search by the Indian Army, who has been looking for HMV 10x10s to carry the Smerch Rockets, this initial order is worth over Rs 1,000 million,” Ashok Leyland said in a press release.
Commenting on the order, Mr. Amandeep Singh, Head - Defence, Ashok Leyland, said “This will pave Ashok Leyland's way for newer opportunities in providing
“This order will end a long search by the Indian Army, who has been looking for HMV 10x10s to carry the Smerch Rockets, this initial order is worth over Rs 1,000 million,” Ashok Leyland said in a press release.
Commenting on the order, Mr. Amandeep Singh, Head - Defence, Ashok Leyland, said “This will pave Ashok Leyland's way for newer opportunities in providing