Shares of Aster DM Healthcare surged 7 per cent to Rs 144 on the BSE on Monday in an otherwise weak market after rating agency ICRA upgraded the credit rating of the company's long-term bank facilities from 'ICRA BBB+ (positive)'to 'ICRA A- (stable)'.
The healthcare services firm said that ICRA has reaffirmed the credit rating of 'ICRA A2+' for the short-term facilities of the Company.
“The upgrade in the ratings takes into account the continued double-digit top-line growth of the Group’s operations, backed by ramp-up of new facilities and improving operations in the existing facilities,” ICRA said in
The healthcare services firm said that ICRA has reaffirmed the credit rating of 'ICRA A2+' for the short-term facilities of the Company.
“The upgrade in the ratings takes into account the continued double-digit top-line growth of the Group’s operations, backed by ramp-up of new facilities and improving operations in the existing facilities,” ICRA said in