Continuing their northward movement, shares of Astrazeneca Pharma India hit a fresh record high of Rs 4,489, up 15 per cent on the BSE on Monday, in an otherwise range-bound market, amid expectation that the company’s candidate, AZD1222, could be viewed as a frontrunner in a global race to deliver an effective vaccine to combat the Covid-19 virus.
At 03:05 pm, the stock was trading 13 per cent higher at Rs 4,411 on the BSE. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was trading 0.36 per cent lower at 38,218 points. The stock of the pharmaceutical company was trading higher
At 03:05 pm, the stock was trading 13 per cent higher at Rs 4,411 on the BSE. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was trading 0.36 per cent lower at 38,218 points. The stock of the pharmaceutical company was trading higher