The Nifty auto index has rallied over 15 per cent to a high of 10,673 in the recent rebound. The bullish reversal seems to be witnessing a sideways movement now. Prior the rally, the Nifty Auto index had slipped 21 per cent, dropping to 9,226.
Shares of TVS Motor Company, Maruti, Bajaj Auto and Tata Motors saw approximately 19-21 per cent jump each, from their recent lows in this rebound.
At the current juncture, the Nifty Auto index and the key stocks are trading near significant resistance levels and exhibiting sideways movement, any breakout could see long additions.
Shares of TVS Motor Company, Maruti, Bajaj Auto and Tata Motors saw approximately 19-21 per cent jump each, from their recent lows in this rebound.
At the current juncture, the Nifty Auto index and the key stocks are trading near significant resistance levels and exhibiting sideways movement, any breakout could see long additions.