Shares of Avenue Supermarts, which owns and operates D-Mart supermarket chain, hit a new high of Rs 1,664, up 4.5% on the BSE in intra-day trade, after the company reported a better-than-expected 43% year on year (yoy) growth in net profit at Rs 2.51 billion in June quarter (Q1FY19). It had a profit of Rs 1.75 billion in year-ago quarter.
Total revenue during the quarter under review increased 26.7% at Rs 45.59 billion as compared to 35.98 billion in the same period last year.
Analysts on an average had expected a profit of Rs 2.32 billion on revenue
Total revenue during the quarter under review increased 26.7% at Rs 45.59 billion as compared to 35.98 billion in the same period last year.
Analysts on an average had expected a profit of Rs 2.32 billion on revenue