Shares of Axis Bank dipped nearly 4 per cent at Rs 843 on the BSE in Thursday's intra-day trade after the government, via Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India (SUUTI), initiated sale of over 1 per cent stake in the company via offer for sale (OFS) route today.
According to the lender's exchange filing, the government, via SUUTI, will offload 46.5 million shares, representing 1.55 per cent stake, in the company on November 10, and 11. The floor price for the offer shall be Rs 830.63. READ FILING HERE
"The Specified Undertaking of
According to the lender's exchange filing, the government, via SUUTI, will offload 46.5 million shares, representing 1.55 per cent stake, in the company on November 10, and 11. The floor price for the offer shall be Rs 830.63. READ FILING HERE
"The Specified Undertaking of