Bajaj Auto has moved higher by 2% at Rs 2,177 after the company said its total sales in December increased 13% year-on-year to 343,946 units, due to higher demand for motorcycles and rise in exports. The company had sold total 305,690 units during the same month of previous year.
“Motorcycles sales, were up 13% to 298,350 units, while commercial vehicle sales, were up 9% to 45,596 units,” Bajaj Auto said in a statement.
The company’s exports were up 5% at 126,016 units in December, highest ever December sales, it added.
The stock opened at Rs 2,144 and hit a new high of Rs 2,179 on the National Stock Exchange. A combined 130,513 shares have changed hands on the counter till early noon deals on both the exchanges.