Bajaj Auto has slipped almost 4% to Rs 1,537 after the company reported 18% month-on-month (m-o-m) basis drop in total sales to 305,690 units in December 2011, as compared to 374,477 units sold in November 2011.
However, India’s second largest two-wheeler maker reported 10% increase in its motorcycle sales on year-on-year basis. The company had sold total 276,803 units in the corresponding month last year, Bajaj Auto said in a statement.
Exports during the month stood at 1,19,708 units compared to 95,388 units in December 2010, a growth of 25%. Commercial vehicle sales witnessed a growth of 27% at 41,991 during the month as against 33,128 in December last year, it added.
A combined 120,000 shares have changed hands so far on the counter on both the exchanges.