Shares of Bajaj Finance fell below Rs 2,000 mark for the first time in nearly two years after plunging 9 per cent to Rs 1,972 on the BSE on Friday amid concerns of elevated uncertainties around the company's growth and asset quality.
The NBFC's stock was trading at its lowest level since May 17, 2018. In the past two months, the stock has tanked 59 per cent, as compared to 22 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Historically, the April-June quarter (Q1) is the largest contributor to assets under management (AUM) growth for Bajaj Finance, with
The NBFC's stock was trading at its lowest level since May 17, 2018. In the past two months, the stock has tanked 59 per cent, as compared to 22 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Historically, the April-June quarter (Q1) is the largest contributor to assets under management (AUM) growth for Bajaj Finance, with