Shares of Bajaj Steel Industries hit a new high of Rs 1,432, ralling 10 per cent on the BSE in the intra-day trade on Friday, in an otherwise weak market. In comparison, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 0.36 per cent at 52,433 points at 10:18 am.
Bajaj Steel is engaged in the manufacture and sale of machinery for cotton ginning and pressing, used for preparing textile fabrics in India and abroad. It is the only company in the world that produces machineries for all cotton ginning technologies.
BSL operates in two business segments: steel division and plastics
Bajaj Steel is engaged in the manufacture and sale of machinery for cotton ginning and pressing, used for preparing textile fabrics in India and abroad. It is the only company in the world that produces machineries for all cotton ginning technologies.
BSL operates in two business segments: steel division and plastics