Shares of Bank of Baroda (BOB) hit an over two-year low of Rs 123 per share, down 2%, extending their 8% decline on the BSE in the past five days. The stock of state-owned bank was trading at its lowest level since February 2016.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on June 12, 2018 said that it had registered four more cases against eight persons in connection with the Srijan scam involving a Bhagalpur NGO that allegedly pilfered funds meant for government welfare schemes.
CBI had booked the former senior branch manager of the BOB, Bhagalpur, its cashier,
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on June 12, 2018 said that it had registered four more cases against eight persons in connection with the Srijan scam involving a Bhagalpur NGO that allegedly pilfered funds meant for government welfare schemes.
CBI had booked the former senior branch manager of the BOB, Bhagalpur, its cashier,