Shares of Bank of Maharashtra hit a record low of Rs 12.50 per share, falling 7% on the BSE in early morning trade after a media report suggested that the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) arrested Ravindra P. Marathe, the Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of the bank, in a case of Rs 30 billion fraudulent loans extended to Pune's DSK Group.
The EOW has also arrested the bank's Executive Director Rajendra K. Gupta, Zonal Manager Nityanand Deshpande from Ahmedabad and former CMD Sushil Muhnot from Jaipur, the IANS report suggested.
“R P Marathe, Managing Director & CEO, R
The EOW has also arrested the bank's Executive Director Rajendra K. Gupta, Zonal Manager Nityanand Deshpande from Ahmedabad and former CMD Sushil Muhnot from Jaipur, the IANS report suggested.
“R P Marathe, Managing Director & CEO, R