Shares of Barbeque Nation Hospitality surged 18 per cent to Rs 1,215 on the BSE in the intra-day trade on Friday, gaining 37 per cent in the the past four trading days, after the company reported a strong recovery in sales at 86 per cent in July 2021 as compared to the same month of the previous year.
The stock was trading at its highest level since its market debut on April 7, 2021. With the past four days' rally, it has zoomed 143 per cent from its issue price of Rs 500 per share.
Barbeque Nation is
The stock was trading at its highest level since its market debut on April 7, 2021. With the past four days' rally, it has zoomed 143 per cent from its issue price of Rs 500 per share.
Barbeque Nation is