Shares of Barbeque-Nation Hospitality, on Thursday, were locked in 20 per cent upper circuit, for the second straight day, at Rs 708.45 on the BSE. With today’s rally, the stock has surged 47 per cent from its Wednesday’s low of Rs 481.35.
Currently, the stock was up 42 per cent against its issue price of Rs 500 per share after a weak market debut, yesterday. The stock of Barbeque Nation Hospitality, which owns and operates the popular chain of Barbeque Nation Restaurants, had opened at Rs 492, a 1.6 per cent discount against its issue price on the BSE.
Currently, the stock was up 42 per cent against its issue price of Rs 500 per share after a weak market debut, yesterday. The stock of Barbeque Nation Hospitality, which owns and operates the popular chain of Barbeque Nation Restaurants, had opened at Rs 492, a 1.6 per cent discount against its issue price on the BSE.