Select base metals turned weak and traded up to Rs 2 per kg lower on the non-ferrous metals market today in tandem with weak trend overseas amid reduced offtake by consuming industries.
Traders said apart from weakening trend at the London Metal Exchange after a firm dollar weighed on the metal prices, reduced offtake by consuming industries also led to a fall in select base metal prices.
In the national capital, copper wire scrap, copper wire bar and copper mixed scrap were down by Rs 2 each to Rs 412, Rs 431 and Rs 392 per kg, respectively.
Zinc ingot, lead ingot and lead imported followed suit and fell by Rupee one each to Rs 122.50, Rs 124 and Rs 124 and Rs 126 per kg.
Meanwhile, three-month copper rose by 0.63 per cent to $8,150.25 per tonne on the London Metal Exchange.
Following were today's quotations in Rs per kg:
Tin ingot 810, zinc ingot 122.50, nickel plate (4x4) 973- 977, gun metal scrap 226 bell metal scrap 228, copper wire scrap 412, copper wire bar 431, copper mixed scrap 392.00, Utensil scrap 224, Chadripital 175.
Lead ingot 124, lead imported 126, aluminium ingots 102, sheet cutting 105, aluminium wire scrap 102 and aluminium utensils scrap 102.