Shares of Bharat Dynamics (BDL) hit a new high of Rs 507.80, on rallying 5 per cent on the BSE in Monday’s intra-day trade ahead of Budget. The stock of state-owned defence company has rallied 27 per cent in the past three weeks, as compared to 4 per cent decline in the S&P BSE Sensex.
At 09:48 am; BDL traded 3 per cent higher at Rs 501, as against a 1.4 per cent gain in the benchmark index. A combined 232,000 equity shares changed hands at the counter on the NSE and BSE.
BDL, an Anti Tank Guided
At 09:48 am; BDL traded 3 per cent higher at Rs 501, as against a 1.4 per cent gain in the benchmark index. A combined 232,000 equity shares changed hands at the counter on the NSE and BSE.
BDL, an Anti Tank Guided